Why Barbara Forrest Is a Bad Philosopher
This from Socrates:
The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms.
If you watch the PBS Nova show on ID (and see previous posts) recently, you could see Barbara Forrest using the term "creation" as if it had the same meaning as "creationism." In other writings she calls ID "Creationism's Trojan Horse." She and others of her ilk want to convince others that intelligent design is the same thing as young earth creationism.
One of her tricks is to use the word "creationism" in two different ways. It can sometimes be used broadly, and with a broad meaning it includes Ken Miller and Francis Collins, who are well known proponents of evolutionary theory (for the most part- Francis Collins does not believe that Darwinian theory fully explains all aspects of biological life). However, it usually refers to young earth creationists or "creation science" proponents. She uses a fairly broad definition when she wants to convince you that ID proponents are creationists, and she uses the narrow definition when she wants to scare you and make you paranoid. She uses both definitions to convince you of her conspiracy theories.
In all this, she shows little interest in exploring the important differences between ID and young earth creationism. Another mark of a bad philosopher, a bad historian and a bad thinker.