There She Goes Again, Again, Again
On January 19, 2006, I published a post with the title "There She Goes Again," about Cornelia Dean and her habit of repeating in every article the editorial comment that there is no credible scientific challenge to the theory of evolution. She may rephrase it somewhat, but the idea stays the same and she seems to always stick with the "no credible scientific challenge" phrase.
On October 27, 2006, Rob Crowther published a post with the title "There She Goes Again: New York Times Reporter Blind to Evolution's Pitfalls," about Cornelia Dean and her habit of repeating in every article the editorial comment that there is no credible scientific challenge to the theory of evolution.
I am confident that there was no intentional copying, and do not really care if there was any subconscious copying. I simply think Crowther and I had the very same natural reaction to Dean's "cut and paste" editorializing.
More posts about Cornelia Dean can be found here and here, or search her name in the search field at the top of this blog.