You might think that Dilbert's fate would be the same as Bambi's in
Bambi Meets Godzilla, but you would be wrong. Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert cartoons, recently commented on intelligent design and evolution. Professor P.Z. Myers, Pharyngula blogger of
"steel toed boots and brass knuckles" fame, responded in his usual dogmatic manner. Adams' response to that is definitely worth reading. Adams' first post is
here, Myers' reply is
here, and Adams' not-to-be-missed reply is
here. Denyse O'Leary's observations and other posts are
Since credibility is one of the issues discussed, I thought that I would provide some data on Prof. Myers' strong claims. He quotes Adams saying this:
For example, Darwinists often argue that Intelligent Design can’t be true because we know the earth is over 10,000 years old. That would be a great argument, supported by every relevant branch of science, except that it has nothing to do with Intelligent Design.
Myers then asserts:
I have never heard anyone on my side of the debate make this argument. Never. Now maybe some few people who aren't familiar with the issues might say something like this (someone like, for instance, Scott Adams), but we all know that Designists, while some are sympathetic to young earth creationism, avoid pinning any of their concepts to testable claims.
Notice the repetition and emphasis he puts on the word "never"? One such false attack was made in an
Op-Ed piece by Verlyn Klinkenborg in the August 23, 2005 New York Times. He based his
whole argument on this
error .
Nearly every attack on evolution - whether it is called intelligent design or plain creationism, synonyms for the same faith-based rejection of evolution - ultimately requires a foreshortening of cosmological, geological and biological time.
His assertion was contradicted by a Times
news article the day before. You can find a copy of the entire Klinkenborg piece
Do we know if Prof. Myers was aware of this piece? He was. In fact, after criticizing several Times news articles,
he praised the piece, deeming it "excellent":
I will say that this readers' opinion piece today, "Grasping the Depth of Time as a First Step in Understanding Evolution", was excellent (Josh agrees). Maybe what the Times needs to do is fire their journalists as tainted goods and start from scratch with a few more competent outsiders.
Perhaps, like the
Captain of the HMS Pinafore, he did not mean to say "never, never," but rather "hardly ever."
* * *
My earlier post discussing the error in the Kinkenborg piece (and an amusing irony) is