Monday, December 04, 2006

What Does an Episcopalian Sound Like When He is Pretending to Be a Young Earth Creationist?

It may be speculation, but I think it would sound something like this:
I was considering making a donation to Quality Science Education for All but in reading about your recent activities I am still a bit confused as to what the mission of QSEA actually is. Specifically I would like to know whether or not you support the word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ being taught in our public schools. This is an issue I feel very strongly about and would need to know your position before making a decision to financially support QSEA.

I like this subject area, and I especially like stories that make me chuckle. This one does. You can get the background here and here and here. (I guess there is some dispute as to Farmer's motives in that email, although Farmer never seems to explain himself in his explanation.)

I wonder where he did his sociological research? Maybe by watching the Reverend in the myth of Inherit the Wind? Maybe by watching Ned Flanders on the Simpsons? However, even Ned Flanders sounds more authentic than this guy does. Or maybe he is just tragically misunderstood.

This story reminded me of my previous post: Eugenie Scott's Strategy: To Convert Baptist Kids into Episcopalians in Science Class?


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