Saturday, January 30, 2010

Richard Lewontin's "Billions and Billions of Demons"

I am happy to report that Richard Lewontin's review "Billions and Billions of Demons" is now available in full here. I have quoted from this review in several posts in the past:

One post contains the "divine foot in the door" quote that is in what I call "The Darwinian Fundamentalist Manifesto."

Another post discusses some great passages knocking Carl Sagan and Richard Dawkins and the science establishment: "Sagan's suggestion that only demonologists engage in 'special pleading, often to rescue a proposition in deep rhetorical trouble,' is certainly not one that accords with my reading of the scientific literature."

Another post discusses Lewontin's acknowledgement that the first "wedge strategy" concerning teaching evolution was formulated on the other side of the culture wars: "The elite culture was now extending its domination by attacking the control that families had maintained over the ideological formation of their children."

Another post discusses how Lewontin fits into a spectrum of worldviews and approaches to the scientific data.

Go ahead and read the whole thing.

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At January 03, 2014 6:40 AM, Blogger Minister said...

I have recently read a review of Richard Lewontin's Billions and Billions that I thought you would be interested in reading.
There are no actual reviews of his Billions review but there are many who quote from it including you and me. In fact, many people on both sides of the creation vs evolution debate. i will try to find the link to it as post it here for you. I would love to get your feed back on it. I think it is great and much needed given how often that review has been quoted.

At June 12, 2017 3:46 PM, Blogger News Christian View/AFJMnews said...

That review of Billions and Billions of demons is here at this link.

So far it is the only full review of Dr. Lewontin's article I know of. considering how much that article is quoted, you would think that there would be many more review and articles written examining it but there are not. I am the author of the article and have tried to get feed back on it but only received a few.

At January 05, 2020 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Booksies review was fantastic. Must read!!


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